About Tarot

About Tarot

About Tarot – Take advantage of our tarot services and get valuable insight into your life. Whether your questions are about Tarot, love, work, life decisions, or any in between, a Tarot reading from an experienced guide can provide.

To see what your Tarot cards have in store for you, get a Tarot reading today. When you are ready to take things to the next level, we can connect you with an experienced Tarot reader who can provide you with detailed Tarot readings on specific focus areas.About Tarot - Meanings and Readings - Cloud 9 Guide

About Tarot Card Meanings and Readings

Tarot card meanings are set but one thing that you’ll quickly see through a Tarot card reading is that Tarot decks tend to speak to you through the Tarot guide. Finding the insight and answers that you seek through the Tarot depends a lot on the experience and intuitive capabilities of the person doing the reading.

Find out more about Tarot here according to Wikipedia. “The earliest evidence of a tarot deck used for cartomancy comes from an anonymous manuscript from around 1750 which documents rudimentary divinatory meanings for the cards of the Tarocco Bolognese. The popularization of esoteric tarot started with Antoine Court and Jean-Baptiste Alliette (Etteilla) in Paris during the 1780s, using the Tarot of Marseilles. French tarot players abandoned the Marseilles tarot in favor of the Tarot Nouveau around 1900, with the result that the Marseilles pattern is now used mostly by cartomancers.”

Good information about Tarot can be found here on Tarot.com which was founded by software designer Paul O’Brien. Since the beginning, Tarot.com has developed a automatic machine like online Tarot readings, Astrology reports, Numerology readings, and Feng Shui reports. Explore and then come back and see the difference, about tarot reading by a live psychic intuitive guide.

About Tarot Guide

Tell your Tarot guide what questions you have before you draw your cards and prepare to be amazed at the results. Your questions might relate to a general outlook on the near or far future, or they may be focused on your love life and relationships. Maybe you want to know how and when to start or end a relationship? Or, perhaps you need to know which direction to take things at work.

No matter what your purpose for seeking the wisdom of the cards, you have come to the right place. We have many years of experience here at Cloud 9 Guide and a very long list of satisfied, return clients. Find out for yourself what they rave about Tarot today.

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